Miss Delilah was my first bloom of the season on July 9th. She usually wins the earliest bloom in my garden and is always such a delight to see her darling face.
I'm not a big fan of tying dahlias to stakes so I am trying a new method this year. I bought Heavy Duty Professional tomato cages from Burpee on-line and some heavy duty, 10 inch tent stakes from Amazon. Once in the ground the cages are about 3 feet tall so I am hoping they will do the trick with no tying! If they are not tall enough I can order extensions that attach to the top. I am also hoping the tent stakes will keep the cages and plants in the ground when we have a wind storm. This is another gardening experiment and I will let you know how they worked at the end of the season.
The Utah Dahlia Society demo garden is doing well.
We expect to see a Miss Delilah bloom by next Tuesday. BTW, demo garden work days are set for Tuesday mornings at 9:00 am. Come and help if you would like or just drop by to say hello. We would love to see you.